Monthly Archives: July 2011

Why Google+ Is Really For Sharing Knowledge, Not Social Networking

Everyone, including possibly even the Google+ team, is currently thinking that Google+ is a Twitter and Facebook competitor. But I think in fact, Google+ is for something entirely different.

Google+ is not really for socializing; it’s for sharing knowledge. That’s what makes it different from other social networks.… Read More “Why Google+ Is Really For Sharing Knowledge, Not Social Networking”

Should Facebook be Worried About Google+?

In previous articles, I’ve written about how Google+ can build a developer ecosystem on Chrome that is different from Twitter’s ecosystem, and how Twitter must change to survive against that. It’s clear that Google+ and Twitter are very different animals.

Now what about Facebook?… Read More “Should Facebook be Worried About Google+?”

Why Twitter’s API Strategy Must Change in a Google+ and Facebook World

As a result of the emergence of Google+, Twitter could soon find itself in a tough spot. A large chunk of their core developer base might migrate to Google+ because there is simply more opportunity there.

Why? Well for starters, it’s really easy to crank out Chrome extensions and you can market and sell them instantly in the Chrome Web Store to a ginormous captive audience that is many multiples of the size of Twitter’s user-base.… Read More “Why Twitter’s API Strategy Must Change in a Google+ and Facebook World”

The Google+ Developer Ecosystem Will Be Different from Twitter

Google+ has seen some good initial uptake from early-adopters in its first few weeks. But how will it leverage developers and partners?

In order to really build value around Google+, of course Google will integrate it with their other products, including Search, Gmail, and more.… Read More “The Google+ Developer Ecosystem Will Be Different from Twitter”