Category Archives: Science

Alpha Theory: The Transiad Model of Reality

The Creator by Nova Spivack

Followiing on my previous book, The Golden Bridge (a work in progress), I’ve excerpted and further developed, the physics and math section (Book Six: The Science of Alpha).

This provides a formal mathematical model of the theory, proposing that the universe is fundamentally information, but that consciousness is not, and is integrated with it using a novel posited topological mechanism.… Read More “Alpha Theory: The Transiad Model of Reality”

The Creator by Nova Spivack

The Golden Bridge: Treatise on the Primordial Reality of Alpha

For many decades I have been working on a new Theory of Everything (TOE) – and in particular a theory of consciousness – which unifies mathematics, the physical sciences, cognitive science, computer science, metaphysics, and spirituality. I call this the Theory of Alpha, or Alpha Theory, and it’s written up here in my draft manuscript,The Golden Bridge: Treatise on the Primordial Reality of Alpha, attached to this post.… Read More “The Golden Bridge: Treatise on the Primordial Reality of Alpha”

Announcing the Lunar Library II

On November 9, 2023 we announced the Lunar Library II … flying to the Moon on December 24 … A permanent backup of humanity’s knowledge and history, including the Wikipedia, Rosetta Project, Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, and much more!

Please help us repost and promote this announcement – that would be much appreciated! … Read More “Announcing the Lunar Library II”

Group Minds are Happening


The rise of generative AI and system like ChatGPT is going to enable a new type of collective intelligence that I have been writing about for almost 30 years. I call them “group minds”.

Group minds are collective intelligence assistants that extract, learn from, augment, and broker the relationships, communications, knowledge and intelligence of groups.… Read More “Group Minds are Happening”

Proposal for a Consciousness Test


A proposed experimental design to test whether consciousness of a future event improves the ability of humans and/or computers to predict that event. If we find that this is true, it implies the existence of consciousness, as well as retrocausality as a result of conscious observation.… Read More “Proposal for a Consciousness Test”

The Keeper of the Book: My Childhood Dream of the Future

When I was eight years old, I had a very unusual dream in which I saw many lifetimes of my future. In this dream I saw a very clear picture of what the world would go through for perhaps a century or two into the future.… Read More “The Keeper of the Book: My Childhood Dream of the Future”

Announcing Fuzionaire Diagnostics: a True Breakthrough in Chemistry, Applied to Saving Lives

Today, we are launching Fuzionaire Diagnostics.

Technological progress often comes from incremental improvements to existing technologies, rather than major evolutionary leaps. But occasionally there is a truly fundamental advance that improves the entire foundation on which we are building. This is the type of leap we are announcing today.… Read More “Announcing Fuzionaire Diagnostics: a True Breakthrough in Chemistry, Applied to Saving Lives”

An Interesting Pattern in the Prime Numbers: Parallax Compression

Early this year a software engineer, Shaun Gilchrist, reached out to me after reading a blog post of mine from many years ago, about my informal search for hidden patterns in the prime numbers.

The Ulam Spiral revealed non-random patterns, but they didn’t quite match up.Read More “An Interesting Pattern in the Prime Numbers: Parallax Compression”

Announcing our Mission to Land the Wikipedia on the Moon!

Today my foundation, The Arch Mission Foundation, announced our mission to land the Wikipedia (and other datasets) on the Moon in 2020 with Astrobotic. This will create a permanent backup of human civilization that will persist on the Moon for billions of years.… Read More “Announcing our Mission to Land the Wikipedia on the Moon!”

Arch Mission Foundation Announces Our Payload On SpaceX Falcon Heavy

Arch Mission Foundation Announces Our Payload On SpaceX Falcon Heavy

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the first Arch payload, on board the Falcon Heavy Test Launch, with SpaceX.

Read the full blog post here:

Our goal at the Arch Mission Foundation is to permanently archive human knowledge for thousands to billions of years.… Read More “Arch Mission Foundation Announces Our Payload On SpaceX Falcon Heavy”

What Did Blade Runner Get Wrong?

I’m quoted in this article in on what predictions Blade Runner got wrong.

In the place of artificial intelligence, we have what Spivack calls “artificial stupidity,” which makes robots do the “stupid things” humans don’t want to do, such as vacuuming your house.

Read More “What Did Blade Runner Get Wrong?”

Magical, My New Startup Studio in LA, Comes Out of Stealth





Today we began to reveal a little more of what we’ve been working on in stealth mode, since last December. It’s a new science and technology startup studio, based in Los Angeles, called Magical.

You might think of Magical as a moonshot factory, except that we’re not just aiming for the moon.… Read More “Magical, My New Startup Studio in LA, Comes Out of Stealth”

AI, BI, and the Necessity of Automating the Analyst

It’s Time to Automate the Analyst

I have been speaking about the need for “automating the analyst” for several years. This need is prompted not only by the data deluge — the Cambrian explosion of data volume, velocity, and variety of data sources — but also by the simple reality that enterprises cannot hire the number of data scientists they need to adapt to this new environment.… Read More “AI, BI, and the Necessity of Automating the Analyst”

Bottlenose Announces Free Live Visualization of Global Social Trends

Bottlenose has just launched something very very cool: A free version of it’s live visualization of trends in the Twitter firehose.  Check it out at and get your own embed for any topic. This is the future of real-time marketing.… Read More “Bottlenose Announces Free Live Visualization of Global Social Trends”

How Bottlenose Could Improve the Media and Enable Smarter Collective Intelligence

How Bottlenose Could Improve the Media and Enable Smarter Collective Intelligence

This article is part of a series of articles about the Bottlenose Public Beta launch.

Bottlenose – The Now Engine – The Web’s Collective Consciousness Just Got Smarter

How Bottlenose Could Improve the Media and Enable Smarter Collective Intelligence (you are here)

A New Window Into the Collective Consciousness

Bottlenose offers a new window into what the world is paying attention to right now, globally and locally.… Read More “How Bottlenose Could Improve the Media and Enable Smarter Collective Intelligence”

Keeping Up With the Stream — New Problems and Solutions

This is Part III of a series of articles on the new era of the Stream, a new phase of the Web.

In Part I, The Message is the Medium, I explored the shift in focus on the Web from documents to messages.… Read More “Keeping Up With the Stream — New Problems and Solutions”

Drowning in the Stream — New Challenges for a New Web

This is Part II of a three-part series of articles on how the Stream is changing the Web.

In Part I of this series, The Message is the Medium, I wrote about some of the shifts that are taking place as the center of online attention shifts from documents to messages.… Read More “Drowning in the Stream — New Challenges for a New Web”

The Message is the Medium – Attention is Shifting from the Web to the Stream

Shift Happens

A major shift has taken place on the Web. Web pages and Web search are no longer the center of online activity and attention. Instead, the new center of attention is messaging and streams. We have moved from the era of the Web to the era of the Stream.… Read More “The Message is the Medium – Attention is Shifting from the Web to the Stream”

Is the Universe a Computer? New Evidence Emerges.

I haven’t posted in a while, but this is blog-worthy material. I’ve recently become familiar with the thinking of University of Maryland physicist, James Gates Jr. Dr. Gates is working on a branch of physics called supersymmetry. In the process of his work he’s discovered the presence of what appear to resemble a form of computer code, called error correcting codes, embedded within, or resulting from, the equations of supersymmetry that describe fundamental particles.… Read More “Is the Universe a Computer? New Evidence Emerges.”

Bottlenose has Launched!

Today, after almost two years of work in stealth, I am proud to announce the launch of Bottlenose.

While I have co-founded and serve on the boards of several other ventures (The Daily Dot, Live Matrix, StreamGlider, and others), Bottlenose is different from all my other projects in that I am also in a full-time day-to-day role as the CEO.… Read More “Bottlenose has Launched!”

My Best Interview: About Global Brain, Consciousness and AI

I was recently interviewed by Stephen Ibaraki and Alex Lin (CEO of ChinaValue) in what turned out to be the most interesting, far-reaching, and multi-disciplinary (and long) interview I’ve ever given. I was very pleased with the depth of their questions and the topics we covered.… Read More “My Best Interview: About Global Brain, Consciousness and AI”

My Father and Me. A Memoir. For Mayer Spivack (1936 – 2011)

My father, Mayer Spivack, passed away on February 12, 2011, in the Kaplan Family House, a beautiful hospice outside of Boston. He passed away, at the young age of 74, after a difficult year and a half battle with colon cancer.… Read More “My Father and Me. A Memoir. For Mayer Spivack (1936 – 2011)”