Category Archives: Space

Announcing the Lunar Library II

On November 9, 2023 we announced the Lunar Library II … flying to the Moon on December 24 … A permanent backup of humanity’s knowledge and history, including the Wikipedia, Rosetta Project, Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, and much more!

Please help us repost and promote this announcement – that would be much appreciated! … Read More “Announcing the Lunar Library II”

My Segment on the British Library Podcast Was Great

My Lunar Library has Landed – There is Now a 30 Million Page Library on the Moon

One small disc for man, one giant library for mankind…

The Lunar Library, produced by my nonprofit charity, The Arch Mission Foundation, was crash-landed on the Moon on April 11, in the Israeli Beresheet lander. But despite the crash, at least 60,000 images and pages etched into nickel films, survived intact and are now on the surface of the Moon.… Read More “My Lunar Library has Landed – There is Now a 30 Million Page Library on the Moon”

Announcing our Mission to Land the Wikipedia on the Moon!

Today my foundation, The Arch Mission Foundation, announced our mission to land the Wikipedia (and other datasets) on the Moon in 2020 with Astrobotic. This will create a permanent backup of human civilization that will persist on the Moon for billions of years.… Read More “Announcing our Mission to Land the Wikipedia on the Moon!”

Sun Stone

It’s mind blowing. An object I conceived of and had made, which was in my house, that I held in my hand, and once carried in my pocket, is now orbiting the sun for millions of years, near the asteroid belt, moving faster than a bullet, in a red Tesla Roadster.… Read More “Sun Stone”

Arch Mission Foundation Announces Our Payload On SpaceX Falcon Heavy

Arch Mission Foundation Announces Our Payload On SpaceX Falcon Heavy

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the first Arch payload, on board the Falcon Heavy Test Launch, with SpaceX.

Read the full blog post here:

Our goal at the Arch Mission Foundation is to permanently archive human knowledge for thousands to billions of years.… Read More “Arch Mission Foundation Announces Our Payload On SpaceX Falcon Heavy”

Announcing the Arch Mission Foundation – Spreading Humanity’s Knowledge in Space

Today we are officially announcing the Arch Mission — a non-profit foundation dedicated to spreading humanity’s knowledge across the distant reaches of space and time. I first wrote about this concept in 2015. We have been working in stealth since then and now I am proud to announce the project has reached a major milestone.