The Creator by Nova Spivack

The Golden Bridge: Treatise on the Primordial Reality of Alpha

For many decades I have been working on a new Theory of Everything (TOE) – and in particular a theory of consciousness – which unifies mathematics, the physical sciences, cognitive science, computer science, metaphysics, and spirituality. I call this the Theory of Alpha, or Alpha Theory, and it’s written up here in my draft manuscript,The Golden Bridge: Treatise on the Primordial Reality of Alpha, attached to this post.

Alpha theory derives the nature of space, time and consciousness from first principles, using a rigorous formal logical proof approach. As a primary focus, it explains what consciousness really is, and why it is highly unlikely that we can synthesize it or imbue artificial intelligence with it.

(NOTE — For the PDF scroll down)

In Alpha theory, consciousness is deconstructed into fundamental characteristics of the underlying inherently aware substrate of space and time – which I call Alpha. Awareness itself comes only from Alpha, which is the primordial base of reality. This is is rigorously derived from a set of axioms and theorems in the Treatise.

Alpha theory posits that the dualistic consciousness of sentient beings is a higher-order process that is not itself inherently aware, because awareness only comes from the primordial base, which is Alpha.

Conscious observers (such as sentient beings) are dependently arising physical phenomena that have a unique relationship to Alpha, while non-conscious observers (such as inanimate rocks and non-sentient machines) do not have this relationship to Alpha. Even though both classes of observers manifest from Alpha, only conscious observers can be said to actually be Alpha. I posit a physical explanation for this structural difference using Stephen Wolfram’s Ruliad model of physics.

This approach unifies disparate fields, while avoiding the logical pitfalls of philosophical idealism, scientific materialism, and panpsychism.


This is still a draft of a work in progress: I will update it from time time as I continue to work on it, perhaps for years or even decades to come.

This work stems from my longstanding interest in physics, cognitive science and the philosophy of mind, consciousness studies, Buddhism and spirituality, and my work in the field of artificial intelligence. It is also important to note that this work is deeply connected with the thinking of my friend Stephen Wolfram on his theory of the Ruliad, and many conversations with him about this topic over multiple decades as well.