Tag Archives: ChatGPT

Advanced GPTs for Professionals and Enterprises

I have developed a number of specialized GPTs for professionals and enterprises. This set of GPTs focuses on higher-level reasoning and knowledge work. The set also includes a number of experimental GPTs for reasoning and problem solving.

Feedback Assistant – Intelligent Interviewer

https://chat.openai.com/g/g-S8a5p7X93-feedback-assistant-intelligent-interviewerRead More “Advanced GPTs for Professionals and Enterprises”

A Powerful AI Fact-Checker that Checks Content and Eliminates Hallucinations

I’ve built an Automated Fact Checker Assistant that is working quite well.

It’s a GPT that does detailed analysis of any content (text you write, paste in, a file or link), to check each fact for accuracy.

It locates sources, checks them and analyzes the results, and generates a bibliography with citations for each fact, and then gives you a downloadable report.… Read More “A Powerful AI Fact-Checker that Checks Content and Eliminates Hallucinations”

Nova Mode: The Ultimate ChatGPT Custom Instruction

I have developed a way to supercharge ChatGPT.

It’s called Nova Mode and it’s an awesome custom instruction that you can paste into your ChatGPT Custom instructions (see screenshot below) in ChatGPT Settings.

This modifies how ChatGPT works in all your chats, giving you much more control over how you interact with ChatGPT.… Read More “Nova Mode: The Ultimate ChatGPT Custom Instruction”

Group Minds are Happening


The rise of generative AI and system like ChatGPT is going to enable a new type of collective intelligence that I have been writing about for almost 30 years. I call them “group minds”.

Group minds are collective intelligence assistants that extract, learn from, augment, and broker the relationships, communications, knowledge and intelligence of groups.… Read More “Group Minds are Happening”